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Tying a Classic Salmon Fly (Durham Ranger) with Davie McPhail.
Tying a Durham Ranger Bumble by Davie McPhail
Fly Tying - Tying the Durham Ranger salmon fly part 1:2
Tying the Toucan Salmon Fly with Davie McPhail.
Tying the Nagli Spey Salmon Fly) with Davie McPhail
Tying a Dee Style Classic Salmon Fly The Glentanar with Davie McPhail
Dressing a "DURHAM RANGER" Classic Salmon Fly: Part 2
Tying a Salmon Fly (Davie's Dunt) by Davie McPhail.
Tying the Ghillies Fly (Salmon Fly) with Davie McPhail
Tying a Wee Jock Scott Salmon Fly by Davie McPhail
Tying Harry's Rusty Nail Salmon Fly with Davie McPhail
Tying the Brown Winged Akroyd Salmon Fly with Davie McPhail